Happy Valentine’s Day!

Blast from the Past and all that! 🙂


(because this pic tweeted on David’s Twitter is too precious for words!)


Posted on February 14, 2013, in holiday. Bookmark the permalink. 16 Comments.

  1. Great song. Even greater guy, singing it. What an appropriate post for today, HelloGorgeous. Thank you for your work for David and fans. I appreciate it. Happy Valentine’s Day to all!

  2. Happy Valentine’s Day to you HG and to all the wonderful commenter and lurkers!

  3. Happy Valentine’s Day HG and all!! >3

  4. Perfect post HG. This song, on Valentines day, congers multiple layers of emotions and meanings. I am happy to say my strongest reaction was a fondness for the singer, and an understanding that this fondness will be long lasting.

    I love Soul David. Happy Valentines Day to HG and all who participate here.

  5. Thanks for all the ❤ Day greetings! 🙂

  6. Love the Valentine’s Day pic on David’s twitter. Watching AI tonight.

  7. I still love “Crush” David’s one big hit. Sure hope he has another someday. I remember how excited he was when he heard it on Z100 in the studio. That was the day I became an ODD David fan.

    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

  8. That picture is ridiculously cute. Happy Valentine’s Day to all the sweethearts here at SD!! 🙂

  9. that picture of david with the heart has made my day. 😀

    re. idol, it seems like david was singing “imagine” around this time in 2008. have the stretched out the audition rounds?

    • No, I don’t think so, as next week will mark the anniversary of David’s “Heaven” during Hollywood rounds (I know b/c I mark it every year!).

      • It sure seems like it has been dragged out. I am ready for the top 10 at this point.

      • thanks for the response. i’m ready for the auditions to be over with. on fod, i’ve read talk of an outstanding female contestant angela miller. i’ll have to look her up.

  10. david’s pal, afinefrenzy, tweeted a link to this viral video of goats yelling like humans. if you have 2 mins. for a good laugh —- here goes!

  11. my last spam …on the 2/13 post on TheVoice, poster #24 wrote:

    Can’t stop playing 2:56 to 3:34 Broken –
    “it doesn’t matter until we see broken lives heal” and then the chant, “ooooooooohhhhhh…”, with the drums in the background…..

    Replayed so many times my car now automatically stops and replays that part.

    I just have to say, that part of the song gives me chills every time I listen to it.

  12. Desertrat, that video is halarious, than you for the laugh!