Monthly Archives: January 2014

Interest in David

Picture 1It’s hard to say if the fact that David trended Wednesday night on Twitter means anything for his eventual reception once he returns back to the music scene (and who knows when that will take place).

But seeing that Idol put up another “Idol Challenge” last night, this time about the other David, did anyone follow up to see if he too trended on Twitter?

Or, maybe the trending only happened because folks were watching American Idol – you know, the way various shows that people are watching end up as a trend.

I was just excited to get a glimpse of David on my tele, and I think it’s cool if enough people trended about David in particular.

But if this translates to interest in David again, who knows? We can only hope for the best.

In the mean time, any small mention of him in the media, I appreciate any and all posters here letting us know. After all, part of our blogging about David is to keep his name out there, right?

I mean, apart from commenting occasionally on his “thighs” or “eyes” or what-have-you. 😉

Oh, about that last point: Can I just say that, had I known that simply blogging a post about certain parts of David’s anatomy was the key to changing the dynamics in the comments section, I would have done this LOOOOOOOONG AGO.

David Archuleta Idol Legacy Challenge

Thanks for posting this, Ali! 🙂

American Idol Auditions in Salt Lake City

It’s amazing how David Archuleta led the show to audition in a place like Salt Lake City (as they are airing auditions from there tonight).  Remember David himself had to travel to San Diego to attend one of these auditions?

Of course, David doesn’t get a nod about previous idols who did well during and after the show.  Then again, I noticed that the show hasn’t reference previous idols at all – not even their most recent winner, Candice Glover.  What is THAT about?

The Morning After

Obviously, I had turned the channel since I didn’t sit through the entire Grammy awards, but I did get to catch up and wish I had seen this performance live:

Now, this is how you do a Collaboration! Nothing like rap and rock coming together! 🙂

Another highlight is the wedding of 33 same-sex couples (and some straight ones too, I believe?) celebrating to Macklemore’s “Same Love”:

In other news, Macklemore is feeling kinda guilty that he won Best Rap Album over Kendrick Lamar.  He has addressed this kind of issue before in a song called “White Privilege”:

David’s Thighs


Just to have a post that celebrates the body (and you know whose body needs celebrating!).

And just because. 😛

Talk about a blast from the past, nostalgia, and all that jazz! 😀

Now to get ready to watch tonight’s Grammys. Feast away, Soul Davidians!