Updates: David News and Current Events

For those who would like to keep communication going on Soul Davidian, I’ve created this page for those who have updates on David and music or current events in general.

  1. From Crazy Days And Nights
    MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2023
    Blind Item #10

    A few months ago I wrote about this former network reality singer hooking up with a slightly older guy while he was on a break from his then boyfriend. Apparently, the guy that he hooked up with made quite the splash at work before he lost his job. What is even crazier is someone told me they might even be related in a second cousin kind of way.

    • Thought that was confirmed to be Lambert

    • Timeline doesn’t match David and Seanie, probably another Adam Lambert one.

      • D and S broke up briefly in same timeframe and then got back together before breaking up yet again. Most people on CDAN “liked” DA as the one they are talking about. I don’t see any “confirmation” one way or the other.

      • They had a brief break for a couple weeks in early April but it wasn’t obvious unless you paid really close attention.

      • how do you know that??

      • We know things how many times do we got to tell you this heffa?

    • I don’t know personal feelings with other men in the bedroom but I figured out was know that he was with Shawn and now it seems more rumors than ever are coming out about him and other men strange men bringing unmentionables into a bedroom where is he even staying what is going on with him where is his management or did he throw Carrie to the curb as he has done so many before I am very disappointed and shocked that this is how he would end his career God blessed him with a talent that can’t be forgotten and he throw it away on cheap.

  2. Oh goodie more boring lesbonic acoustic guitar folk music coming your way from #DrivelDave

    • He’s been shunned by his Weho producer crew so he has to go to TikTok straight women to help him write a song he could have written in AI.

    • negl im disappointed i got into his music again after he released im yours when he was working in the queer pop scene and he was being edgy without gross stunts but now that he’s doing the watered down sadboi thing im not interested anymore

  3. The fallen cumdump @AYESEANIE trolling for sympathy yet again on TikTok
    girl needs to realize not every thought she has requires a public announcement

    • now David posting nonsense on TikTok looking like he reeks.take a bath,shave, and change those ketchup and mustard stained clothes you oaf!

    • He’ll stop once he realises how little attention it gets it makes him look clingy sad stupid. David’s no better waiting to post a video right after him looking DIRTY RATTY STINK red eyed the cunt he is. Their friends HATE THEM.

      • David just did that to get on Sean’s nerve and to show him up knowing he’ll get a bunch more likes than anything Sean will ever post.the petty cunt D is.

      • David isn’t even posting the TikToks, I’m sure jake is. Try not to read so much into every single stinkin move anyone makes. It’s getting ridiculous

      • that’s what this blog is for bitch don’t tell me what to do.Jake is only used on certain campaigns now David can’t afford him full time anymore.

      • David so desperate. Sean too.

      • Jake knows Seanie too they work in the same field follow each other all that 8:38 get the fuck off the blog if you don’t want to discuss how messy gossip queens are in Weho

      • Oh I guess I didn’t realize this had become a WeHo blog

  4. I have to say I am very disappointed in Mr. Archuleta the way he’s been acting for the past year but mainly for the past few months has shown that he has lost sight of everything that he held dear including his morals his sense of service his desire to be part part of a collective and not just focusing on himself and his selfish needs he said that he wanted to be a husband and a father in the future now that has changed he wants to be a partygoer animal he wants to become like the other men that he sees in what you called we hoe and it’s showing on his face the lines the wrinkles in his forehead the eyebags he doesn’t even look happy anymore it says that he is the happiest he’s ever been I have watched him grow from a young young boy into a young man and the happiest I ever saw him was when he was giving service to the community to his Lord to his church and had something to do now he has nothing to do but stand around produce music no one listens to break up with men from east to west coast and slut around inviting unmentionables into his life into his bed now rumors are everywhere about him this has never happened before I have never seen it this bad with this many characters that he is surrounded by hinting that he is a drug addict that he is a user that he is an abuser that he is out on the town and he has gotten a reputation now that over shadows of his vocal talent of the beauty that he used to have inside and out and of the way that he prioritized his family above his career now that has all changed what happened what went wrong?

  5. my heart goes out to pour Mrs. Lupe Who is spending her Christmas holiday dealing with family turmoil her sons dealing with their demons in their minds we knew for many years that David had a beast under the surface but none of us old timers expected that this would be the outcome many of us sit in silence and watch and we support silently to let him know he’s not alone and he can talk to us and open up when he wants and feels comfortable but these new people that he hangs around the Asian dancers I’m not comfortable with it I don’t think they have his best interest at heart they want money fame lots of that in a bollywood.

    • “I don’t think they have his best interest at heart they want money fame lots of that in a bollywood.”
      Then they chose the wrong one.David ain’t it.

  6. Is Carrie still on his team I thought she was his manager guess not no more no announcement nothing was made there a blonde woman following him around now she is the new management I don’t know I’m not comfortable with David trying to go and become something he isn’t and abandon his old fans we have been here since the very beginning we have watched him grow up this is not the way to get new fans by acting hurtful to himself his family the people that he loves this is not him thank you Marnie

  7. Why Edwin’s brother have a bunch of Russian bots following him


    I want you to be happy
    So please
    Forget about me

    (Next clip)

    The way that you would pull me closer
    Fall asleep on my shoulder
    All the nights I’d stay over
    (Everything’s so different now)
    Forget about me
    I’d rather you [cuts off after this]

    • @ayeseanie I’m sure you’ve seen the studio clips already but it needed to be laid out here on this blog. He’s trying to spin a narrative about this breakup being a kindness to you and your mental health so he doesn’t get backlash and the curtain pulled back on his destructive patterns. He’s strung out on drugs that warped his mind, there’s no such thing as recreational use with someone like him, now we all see the results.

    • Did he post this to his paying subscribers? What a load of shite. This sound like a suicide letter for sympathies, how is this supposed to make Seanie move on, childish.

    • He’s still in love with him and is destroying his own life to punish himself for what he did to hurt Seanie.

      • yes when david’s never been this affected by anyone before i’ve never seen him like this, he hit the panic button to put all his walls back up to protect himself from being passionately loved and supported by someone that he loves back. he’s never had this before even with his parents.

      • If this is love then fuck love, these two are toxic manbabies and need to get a room and stop posting this to the internet.

      • If you think that’s love you just as much a psychopath

  9. You a fool Seanie if you let him get away with this

  10. Who’s couch he sleeping on now? The dollar store prints on the wall not Toluca Toupe tastes and that not the Aye Yi Yi Seanie roach motel, so who’s he suckered into letting him crash at now?

  11. David’s been the issue the entire time. He sabotages his relationships, his career, his mental health and future happiness because all he’s ever known is chaos and dysfunction. He’s been in survival mode for so long that coming out of that mode sent him into a panic.

    Substance use only worsened a pre-existing condition, it’s not the reason he’s acting like this. This all goes back to his upbringing and trauma that he’s never healed from. Now he’s ruining everyone else’s lives because he’s desperate for a connection of any kind. It’s pitiful.

  12. #Somebody has been spilling details about #behaviors at a #XmasParty
    #LooseLips #TrustIssues

  13. sounds like he’s depressed and miserable and trying to push away the good people in his life so he doesn’t bring them down with him. david’s doing things to hurt seanie and push him away so he’ll give up and hate him and move on. he’s never had anyone in his life stand up to him say and i am telling you i’m not going and love him for who he is with all the baggage and flaws and pain.
    he needs a partner to stand with him and work through this together. @ayeseanie your the only one who ever came close to this, please don’t give up on him.

    • You are giving horrible advice to Seanie. He shouldn’t continue to fuck his life up any further to try and save this asshole. There is NO happy ending here. Anything he could accomplish is only a band-aid, temporarily at best. The end result will be more loneliness and despair.Why prolong it? No Seanie your best bet (and David’s as well) is to move on and learn from it.


    • “he needs a partner to stand with him and work through this together. @ayeseanie your the only one who ever came close to this, please don’t give up on him.”

      This is the mindframe of a STALKER who can’t take a hint

      • not true seanie was “only one” most of you were not around for the whole behind the scenes Edwin saga he the one who ran that

      • Seanie is the reason it’s been such a drama because he is a total drama queen little girl,this didn’t happen with Edwin because he was a MAN albeit an ignorant one still a man.

      • 5:10 frau cunt Edwin so deep in the closet he post his dick for free for attention from girls and got #blackmailed over it. Seanje a needy whinging bitchboy but Edwins just as bad #DUITwins #DrunkDisorderlyDavid

      • Only reason this homophobic frau calling Edwin a man over Sean is because Edwin pretends to be more masculine and Sean is overtly more feminine. There’s more to being a man than using masculinity to overcompensate for one’s own repressed sexuality.

  14. So many psychologists on here. Were you educated from the same school of Instagram self-care that Davido was? #AllAboutTheBenjamins

  15. hog fans on x fighting grab the popcorn #worldwarweho

  16. Troye Sivan got named top 5 guys that gays want to fuck on GRINDR. no past his prime Archie to be found anywhere except for sulking on the couch in onairjakes dumpy apartment about the fact that Troye has stolen the spotlight once again boo hoo #NARCISSIST

    • You know hes mad telling Toluca Toupe to get the next People magazine spread ready #ArchuletaOUT

      • You know it just burns him that even AIKEN got the front page treatment when he came out, but he always gets relegated off to sharing a paid puff piece with one of the REAL HOUSEWIVES

  17. Why is it so hard to walk away from a relationship that doesn’t include a legally sanctioned relationship, children, shared properties, and/or mixed money.

    Nobody can ruin your life unless you allow them to. Begging someone to love you when they no longer do not only doesn’t work, it makes the other person piety you if they are kind, or hold you in contempt. Or a little of both.

    And if the relationship love scale isn’t balanced 50/50 , the person with the lower ratio number will be doing all the drudge work, all the emotional suffering and all the compromising that doesn’t go their way.

    If this good advice is taken, maybe this trainwreck will mercifully end by the holidays.

    • They just barely knew each other a year too.Moving in a month later on D’s part was not mentally stable.Now he’s out of his nice townhouse staying in depressing dumpy apartments and struggling watching his money evaporate to pay vultures who will gladly entertain his chasing of ghosts of past fame.It’s just not happening.This isn’t 2008 anymore.

      • He wants drama and excitment his life in that beutiful home was boring so he found a excuse to leave it for a quick peice of tail until that got boring now hes ready to go fully bipolar with aye yi yi and get his headlines for being the next Amber Turd and JDepp

    • Your trying to rationalize a relationship between two mentally ill homos in Hollywood it doesn’t work that way with their kind there. Sometimes breakups suck its only been over a month but thats what a #TherapySession for not bitching moaning whinging to strangers. Both of them need to cut their losses stop posting songs stop following on suspicious accounts and block MOVE

  18. Give it up @ldsbroken the jig is up!

  19. i’ve only been around since may but is david’s fanbase always this crazy? the same women go to a bunch of concerts and now yelling at people on twitter like their in high school when they look an average age of 60 yikes

    • does he have any queer fans or is it just the cishet old ladies

      • Most of the queer so called fans,are not really fans of his music at all.they are gays who look llike less attractive more out of shape versions of David,usually within 5 years of his age in either direction,but mostly older who all think he will want their fupa for some reason.He is their version of how they delusionally see themselves in the mirror because they are all narcissists and obsess on sex and looks.If he really wants young queer fans that will actually buy his music and fill seats instead of just simping on him over social media,he needs to make music that will appeal to younger queer fans instead of this old Adult Contemporary elevator music he keeps putting out that only these senior citizens buy.everybody from his team on down the line including friends,family,and fans have expressed this to him as well, he just doesn’t listen and thinks he knows better than everyone else.This has been going on for years now.

      • you know he’s entering his “BEAR” era when you see the types of guys flirting with him on social media lately the twinks have mostly fallen off

      • He doesn’t want.to make the music he actually likes cuz it ruins his fun so he makes #BargainHunt loudspeaker jingles #OldNavyOpus

      • He saw that people are making fun of his videos all looking like low budget Old Navy commercials so now wants to act like he was being ironic and that was actually his vision all along #NotFoolingNobody

      • Yep I saw that, he’s fooling nobody. Next up he’ll be calling the Afraid to Love video purposeful pop camp directed at himself because he’s afraid to love himself instead of it being an attempt to convince his boyfriend at the time that he really did love him even though he was his dirty little secret that he broke up with 2 months later #Arentchuletdown

    • Those deranged hags have been stalking him since he was only 17 years old! Some don’t even hide that they are sick predators/groomers anymore and now feel free to post the disgusting sexual comments about him they’ve always had now that he’s legal age. Disgusting!

      • Even the owner of this blog used to post about having #WetDreams about a 17-year-old boy while she was in menopause. Take a look at any of the #UsualSuspects and their photos. They’re all elderly females in their 60-80 range.They stalk him at concerts, social media accounts, believe David will reward them for fighting his battles online for them.The Canadian grandmas are the worst with this.

    • Since you’ve only been around for a handful of months, I suggest you leave now before it gets even worse in the new year. It’s all downhill from here.

  20. Right on the time as hogathas fight over methheads on Xxx, a hidden player that well call #DelTacoFatso vaguely calling out his own friends for being #SneakySnakes ruining the fun times #BloodOnTheDancefloor #StayTuned

    • why those old heffas keep posting the same old stuff about him over and over repeat repeat?

      • They’re the unpaid cleanup crew for DA enterprises. They think they’re special because DA’s road manager and family members speak to them and make them feel important.

  21. For someone who’s praised for his vocal talent his voice sounded terrible in the subscription clip. The lyrics are more of his brand of generic self-centred feel sorry for me I’m a victim narration style. The melody’s bland. Can he no longer afford experienced producers?

    • He doesn’t have the connections or budget anymore like he did in Nashville. People there value music from the heart, not from an egomaniacal ego stroking just to get a few pennies from a check. He can’t afford to live on his own in L.A. or hire decent producers and audio engineers. He can’t even afford BleachWilly anymore.

      • He need to go back all that Nate written stuff was way better and those Therapy Session songs too

      • Nate was part of the Nashville crew that he screwed over with royalty payments. They won’t work with him anymore after the way he treated one of their friends either. David burns bridges whenever he walks away #AskhimaboutJW

  22. Will David’s episode of “Name that tune” that he recently filmed in Dublin with those 2 Real Houswives actually get to air,or will it be cancelled?All bets are off at this point #BIRDIES saying the show is on serious thin ice.

  23. #PeroxidePnP now in #KitchenFloorKyle comments now following to #UhOh #ExesTagTean

    • that entire friend circle and all the couples involved have now all split up except for one I think and in such dramatic fashion all within last few months don’t think I ever seen anything quite like it

      • The individual who claims to be everyone’s friend got a little too close to someone with bad intentions and a singing career that never took off. This bitter person started spreading gossip around town and started a smear campaign against multiple members of the group causing anxieties and tensions to flare. The breakups that happened all trace back to the same source.

      • That really sucks. That person hurt a lot of people. I don’t know who the person is but they suck.

      • That person was either one of the Kyles (there’s the white flamer the Asian watch seller and the one who sings at Dodgers games) or the curly haired one that moved in a pack of 3 with the ex Kyle Swift and Pacman and went poof disappear act when summer ended.

  24. Why does one of those girls writing David’s newest song have all sorts of middle eastern looking propaganda on her page? Where did he find that one?

  25. OMG disgruntled ex-boyfriend @AYESEANIE on TikTok is seeing things for how they really are on his #healingtiktok video and he is about to go completely ROGUE!
    David, gurl, you in BIG trou-ble!


  26. #SeanieThePsycho 🔪 🐇

    • That video makes him look like a Glenn Close Fatal Attraction headcase. It’s not a good look.

      I expect his next video to include the phrase “I won’t be ignored”

      • but why do I sort of feel sorry for him today?

      • I’ve always felt sorry for him. David does this to all of his exes. He woos them in ways he knows he can’t afford to keep up with to get them hooked, then he comes in like a wrecking ball to destroy their stability and makes them behave out of character. David downplayed the trauma he put his last female ex through. There’s a reason she bonded with the male exes.

  27. #Somebody spotted with a #SeanieClone last night in #DTLA

  28. yall falling for his attention grabs again watching his videos so he profits off this and plays the game

  29. I pray for both of them that this doesn’t end in tragedy.

  30. He should get that syphilis treated it’s spread to his eye.

  31. Has he taken a shower, shaved, and changed clothes yet?

    • judging by the latest round of exclusive videos whinging about his nail falling off to being annoyed about writing a book, no. he looks like he’s staying at a trap house and hasn’t slept in weeks #prayersfordavid

  32. This blog, so pathetic, the hatred towards older women who done nothing to be called names is sexist. We all get old and still have love to give to others. Tearing people down won’t make you happy.

    • 🚨🚨^^Fuck off OLD BITCH!

    • fuck off! you bunch of bitties have stalked him for decades going to every concert every tour date and calling him hot and sexy since he was a minor and you were pushing retirement age. all of you bitches from fod need a lobotomy.

  33. Interesting.Seanie and David both went to Kascade Xmas show.Same night? Different night?Insiders?

  34. David need to retire that smelly white tank top he wears everyday it highlights his jelly belly and is not doing him the favor he thinks it is.

    • he used to dress so nice, even his t-shirts and jeans were pressed and neat. he had a brightness to his cheeks and smile. now he looks like your average tobacco chewing beer drinking loser whose looks peaked a decade ago. drugs and poor lifestyle age you QUICK.

  35. david’s turned into a manipulative controlling abuser like his dad and the leaders in his former church. everything he said his dad did to him is what he’s doing now that he’s feeling himself with all this new attention. he’s become toxic and narcissistic and only cares about what people can do for him but throws them away when he gets bored or they challenge him.

    he’s really got the public and blind stans fooled. i wanted him to do well after he left the church until he started showing his true colors on the subscription instagram. he’s told so many lies he can’t keep up with them anymore. drugs didn’t cause him to be like this it was always in him to begin with.

    • People are starting to see through it, give it time. I’ve known David for many years, there’s nothing anyone could reveal about him that would shock me. I’ve had to distance myself from him a couple times before when he’s been in a bad headspace taking it out on everyone else only to come back saying his sorrys when he saw the consequences of his actions.

    • Who exactly does he have control over? He’s nobody’s parent, nobody’s spouse, nobody’s boss, nobody’s teacher, nobody’s legal guardian, nobody’s executor, nobody’s parole officer.

      Grown adults with no ties are free agents who can enter or leave a relationship at anytime. That’s how the adult world works.

      • Here come the retarded army of old nitwits hags to defend this cunt.Lady his family loves the attention Davido brings them that half of them didn’t make it to high school they think mi familia es magnifico all about sticking together protecting the rapists and psychopaths they got in their bloodline. Ones killed dozens of Iraquis but you think they care about human lives no they care about their family getting money from this cunt singing for bird watchers and bridge clubs in the nursing home NEXT!

  36. I’m the same commenter that replied above. People very close to David that he wouldn’t expect to turn on him have been talking about giving up. It’s gotten so bad that his own relatives are emailing back and forth with the man who runs the gossip site and giving him information on what’s going on. He’s told them he’s worried David will die or someone else will unless he gets a wake up call.

    I’m not spending the rest of my life trying to force an adult to want better for themselves and the people he claims to love. I’ve been lurking and commenting sporadically since 2019 but this might be my last visit, it hurts too much to see someone you know go through hell and take everyone down with him. Merry Christmas, happy holidays, out.

    • What kind of relative would would contact CDCN to plant stories instead of contacting professional help? That’s the most bizarre thing I’ve ever heard in my life. With relatives like that who needs enemies.

      If it’s true.

      • Again retarded fuck you think his family of dodo brained losers know how to get professional help look at the cousin Richard and how he acts like a psychotic they let him in cockpits of jets in Utah when hes clearly got screws loose up in that empty head of his. That family needs to go back where they came from and get some education since they came over on a anyway NEXT

      • Could they possibly be dumber than you? I’m basing that question on your illiterate post.

    • come back who was the person emailing the gossiper and is the situation still the same now

  37. Curious. Do audience members generally wear a glove to the MJMusical? David sure had a sparkly one.

  38. What an alternate universe we live in when David is singing about “Scrubs”. Someone should be singing that about him instead.

  39. this blog died again rip

  40. I’ll add something. It was good seeing him with his nieces. I don’t think his sisters would let him around the kids if he were strung out. He is doing 2xday workouts. Maybe he figures he better straighten himself out again now that he is 33 years old.

  41. Besides this blog there are 2 other things that seem to be dead, the rose parade and David’s musical career. It was as unexpected as it was disappointing to see him as a cover singer, singing in a dull and boring way. The most horrible thing of all was hearing him sing “its a beautiful day” completely out of tune and without hitting the notes. Honestly, I don’t see him beyond singing at gay festivals, shopping malls and releasing a new song every now and then

    • All 3 of the perfomers came across amateur hour.It’s shocking diva MISS Michelle “Do you know WHO I am?” Williams agreed to be a part of this clown show with 2 other mostly
      unknown washed ups who are worlds beneath her.The checks must not be coming in.David sounded horrible from having NO Sleep and irresponsibly partying all throughout the night with the back and forth pass around drug and booze addled boytoy. Offkey and monotone.Looked ridiculous, uncomfortable, and insincere in that hideous and strewn together TLC meets Troye Sivan cosplay costume. He will never be “that guy”. He never seems to learn either.Made 2024 death pool for a reason.

      • That Asian knockoff Beyonce Renaissance costume was indeed atrocious. Since he obviously has trouble remembering to suck in his gut outside of private “exclusives, he really should never wear any other color than black around his waist area. Looked like a metallic basketball.

      • Michelle Williams isn’t above this, she’s known for going wherever she can fit in if the check is cleared and her name gets in the press. David had more name recognition than whoever the other ones were but he missed the mark entirely by not taking this event seriously enough to hold off on drinking and popping pills for one night. The candy jewelry was a dead giveaway.

        The styling was clearly another attempt by Rebecca’s hire lil_saigon to make David look cool and futuristic. His rave outfit for the night before was better. If he still had the curly perm bangs in the front he could have pulled it off, but that middle part makes him look old and out of touch.

        As a fan I don’t understand what he wants. He’s hiring enablers and business people that want a paycheck over reality but that’s more money out of his pocket that he could be using to invest in his future. Chalk this experiment up and go back to the drawing board.

    • That’s because he was partying at a rave the night before and didn’t want to do the performance in the first place. He hired a terrible manager who has no clue how to handle David.

      Whoever choreographed the opening number needs to be fired, no one liked it. Twitter reactions were terrible toward the performers. He has no business trying to become a visible act for the mainstream, the LGBTQ crowd are the ones supporting him in his campy low budget escapades going forward.

  42. He admitted he was “flat” but people were still telling him how great he looked and sounded. He said there was a costume team so at least he didn’t purposely dress himself like that. If he wanted people to notice him, I don’t think this performance was the one.

  43. He prioritized his narcissism in 2023.
    If it was actually all about his health he wouldn’t be consuming toxic substances that are harmful to his health and living a dangerous lifestyle. Health starts on the inside. Keep sucking in that gut and pretending though.

  44. I pray in 2024 he leaves Hollywood and returns to his roots. He’s trying to be someone he’ll never be to fit in with the crowd of narcissists he’s met in Hollywood.

    • Hollywood is thee worst place for David to live. He’s worked so hard healing and accepting himself and gaining acceptance from others. I personally think he should take a year off and just plain relax and figure out what he wants to do with his life. Getting a stable, sober and patient boyfriend would be a good start and they can focus on a future together. I do think he’s playing catchup since he’s been in the closet all these years, hence all the partying. I do wish him well tho.

  45. Good grief the ex-boytoy now thinks he can be an actor LMFAO.His “acting” makes “Saved By The Bell” look like Shakespeare.Don’t quit your day job Seanie.You ain’t it miss thing.Behind the scenes and between the sheets is the only place you’ll ever be.

  46. What value does Archuleta give his fans? The title of social media personality doesn’t suit him. His last public singing appearance ended up a disaster after a night of partying and loud music destroying his eardrums. Is he a tinnitus ear plug brand sponsor or did they pull the plug on him like he pulled the plug on the gays that spent all year supporting him only to end up being tossed aside for attempts at mainstream relevancy?

  47. He is OBSESSED with himself.Can’t even walk past a window with his reflection in it without being in awe of himself and needing to capture the moment on his phone.NARCISSIST!

  48. Wtf is that publisher he got the book deal with back in 2010 he had an actual publisher that ghost wrote the book for him now he’s with a no name. He won’t be honest about anything in the book more lies about his family and putting the blame on religion and no accountability for his own bad choices. No one will mention the drugs euther.

    • Blah blah blah blah blah.

    • “Competitive deal signing” means LOW to NO $$ upfront, and only a cut on the backend only after all expenses recouped and IF it sells well. He would probably have made more money had he self-published. Same can be said for any future music release. His team sucks.

  49. I wonder if every time DA belongs to a social group that feeds his bank account, he will wrote an inspirational book. I also wonder if this time he would mention the little romance he had with Benton Paul, the times he used Grindr “just out of curiosity” or the times he had occasional contact with guys just as closeted as him because he fell into the temptation of sin.

    • #STREETS said pages and pages ago that he lost his V card in his teens. He won’t be honest he’s not ready to face the fact that he LIED for decades to everyone even himself.

  50. Ahhhhhh so this is why #ToxicGlitter showed back up. #FIXthatFUPA

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